We at Heritage Scrap are all about the good old days. As we think about the 4th of July, we think of those Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebrations. You know the ones - the ones with parades and marching bands and decorated bicycles; kids carrying drums wearing sailor hats made of newspaper. We think of fireworks and sparklers and flags and buntings. Those are the "feel good" comfortable memories from our past.

This week in the Heritage Scrap Store, you will find the Fourth of July Designer Collab. kits for only $2.50 each. Here is my contribution to the Collab. I also have a Fourth of July Add on kit which will be in the store shortly.
Click on the previews to take a closer look in the store! May you and yours enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with celebrating an Old Fashioned Fourth of July!
These kits are gorgeous Vicki! I have been sooo loving all the fishing and camping layouts with your new *Gone Fishing* kit! I never realized what a big part of my childhood was spent near the water fishing and camping - I mean besides the fact that we lived 15 feet from the river bank! Everyone's fishing stories are just so enjoyable and now I can't wait for the picnic and camping layouts to come from this new set of kits! Oh and parades and festivals too! Off to the store for me!!! LOL