Welcome to my new Victorian Rose Designs blog! Let me begin by telling you about how I came to be Victorian Rose Designs.
For many years, I was a graphic designer, working primarily for two major banks in Pittsburgh (along with several other smaller clients). Eventually, I traded my paper and ink in for thread and focused my attention on custom embroidery designs (dba Victorian Rose Embroidery). I finally put Victorian Rose to bed when we moved to our farm a few years ago and I put all my time and effort into remodeling our farmhouse (from retro 70s to Victorian cottage), and enjoying my family and our new farm.
Two years ago, my husband (and my computer geek ;) bought me Digital Scrapbook software for Christmas. As I got more and more into digi scrapping, I spent my evenings and free time preserving memories for our children. I am a very serious genealogist and have been blessed with many pictures of several branches and generations of my family. I joined my love for genealogy research with my love for digital scrapping and got to work on my Heritage Albums. For two years, I honed my skills at Digital Scrapbook Place and garnered some honors and recognition for my work.
Then, one day I was looking something up on the internet, and stumbled across a site called Heritage Scrap. As soon as I saw it, I knew I was home! Heritage Scrap combines the Victorian decor, the Heritage scrapbooking and the genealogy research that I enjoy, all in one place! The kits in the store were just gorgeous! I was SO in love! :)
I started posting in the forums and posted a link to my heritage album. There was an opening on the Creative Team, and based on the heritage album I had been building for two years at DSP, I was asked to come on board the team.
A few days later, I dusted off my old graphic designer hat and answered a design call, applying to be a designer at Heritage Scrap, doing primarily word art and text elements. Kate enthusiastically welcomed me aboard, and here I am. One thing that really caught my eye at Heritage Scrap was Kate's introduction in the store. In it, she says,
"The art of heritage scrapbooking is based in the warmth of traditions, the comfort of family and the desire to build a lasting and meaningful connection between our past and our futures. You are the storytellers - the keepers of the gate to your own family's rich and fascinating history, and a priceless legacy that is now yours to build upon and share with the generations to come."
I look forward to creating designs that will help others preserve those priceless heirlooms for future generations! The Victorian Rose is no longer dormant. May she bloom with vigor as we move forward!