Good Morning, and welcome to Week 9 of our Life Book Challenge!
This week, we will be scrapping about our subject's HOMETOWN, and/or CHILDHOOD HOME(S).
It's always interesting to talk to people about where their roots are. We are so influenced by the places we've lived and each place adds an extra layer to our life experiences. Growing up in an apartment in a large city may shape us into someone different than if we had grown up on a farm in the country. Our everyday life experiences are what mold us into the people we become.
There are two ways to approach this week's topic. You may choose to scrap one or both of these variations on the theme.
First, you may choose to scrap about the hometown your subject lived in. This will require some research on your part. What was the geographical location? What part of the state was it in? See what you can find out about the area. What trades were there? Where did people work? What was life like there? What were the hang outs? Try to find details that would apply to your subject. Simply do a search for the name of the town or county. Many historical societies even have old vintage photos of the town from the era your subject may have lived there!
This layout from my great, great grandfather's Life Book demonstrates how to use information found on line on a scrapbook page. I combined the facts I learned about the area with the family information I had about the time he lived there.

If you would rather not include information about your subject's hometown, you might consider doing a layout about their childhood homes, especially if you are fortunate enough to have photos of them. Some of the census records include the street and house number for each family. If you can find that information or if you know the physical address, you could find an aerial photograph of the area from Google Earth or Mapquest. Newer versions of Google Earth even enable you to view old maps and satellite imagery of the area, allowing you to virtually go back in time! You might be surprised at what an internet search will bring up on your subject's childhood home. Give it a try and see.
My grandparents were living with my Grandmother's Mom when my Dad was born. She ran a boarding house, and my grandfather moved in when they were married. My Dad and his older brother were both born in that house. Then when my grandmother was expecting their third child, my grandfather built their first “real” home. Those are the two houses my Dad lived in growing up. Even though they moved into their own home, it was near the boarding house, and he spent a lot of time at his Grandma's.
This two page spread documents those two homes, as well as the last home my Grandpa built after all their children had moved out...

This page was done as a sample for my Photo Album Quick Page (which you can grab free in the HS Store!)

Remember, this is your life book, so please do as many pages as you need to do to get your story told. You may be able to make a layout for both the hometown and childhood homes, or you may not know much about one or either. Just try to preserve as much information about this topic as you possibly can. And don't forget that if you don't have many pictures, you may be able to find old photos of the hometown online that you can use.
You can find my Home Sweet Home Word Art Set, also in the store:

Here is a Quick Page that you might find helpful for this theme as well.

It is also available in 8"X10".
As always, if there is any specific word art you need for your pages, please let me know.
When your Layouts are done, please post them in the Life Book Gallery for Week #9: Hometown.
Please try to come back here and post a link to your layout when it's in the gallery so we don't miss it.
If you need directions for posting links, please see my tutorial here.
One winner will be randomly chosen from the gallery next Monday, just before the chat. Please try to have your layouts posted by about 8:45 pm (ET). Layouts using at least 50% Heritage Scrap products will be eligible for the drawing. Layouts using at least 50% of my products will be eligible for a posting bonus.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything about this Section of your Life Book, please post here in this thread.
Thanks! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Life Book (TM) Content Copyright Vicki Pasterik - Victorian Rose Designs 2010
This week, we will be scrapping about our subject's HOMETOWN, and/or CHILDHOOD HOME(S).
It's always interesting to talk to people about where their roots are. We are so influenced by the places we've lived and each place adds an extra layer to our life experiences. Growing up in an apartment in a large city may shape us into someone different than if we had grown up on a farm in the country. Our everyday life experiences are what mold us into the people we become.
There are two ways to approach this week's topic. You may choose to scrap one or both of these variations on the theme.
First, you may choose to scrap about the hometown your subject lived in. This will require some research on your part. What was the geographical location? What part of the state was it in? See what you can find out about the area. What trades were there? Where did people work? What was life like there? What were the hang outs? Try to find details that would apply to your subject. Simply do a search for the name of the town or county. Many historical societies even have old vintage photos of the town from the era your subject may have lived there!
This layout from my great, great grandfather's Life Book demonstrates how to use information found on line on a scrapbook page. I combined the facts I learned about the area with the family information I had about the time he lived there.

If you would rather not include information about your subject's hometown, you might consider doing a layout about their childhood homes, especially if you are fortunate enough to have photos of them. Some of the census records include the street and house number for each family. If you can find that information or if you know the physical address, you could find an aerial photograph of the area from Google Earth or Mapquest. Newer versions of Google Earth even enable you to view old maps and satellite imagery of the area, allowing you to virtually go back in time! You might be surprised at what an internet search will bring up on your subject's childhood home. Give it a try and see.
My grandparents were living with my Grandmother's Mom when my Dad was born. She ran a boarding house, and my grandfather moved in when they were married. My Dad and his older brother were both born in that house. Then when my grandmother was expecting their third child, my grandfather built their first “real” home. Those are the two houses my Dad lived in growing up. Even though they moved into their own home, it was near the boarding house, and he spent a lot of time at his Grandma's.
This two page spread documents those two homes, as well as the last home my Grandpa built after all their children had moved out...

This page was done as a sample for my Photo Album Quick Page (which you can grab free in the HS Store!)

Remember, this is your life book, so please do as many pages as you need to do to get your story told. You may be able to make a layout for both the hometown and childhood homes, or you may not know much about one or either. Just try to preserve as much information about this topic as you possibly can. And don't forget that if you don't have many pictures, you may be able to find old photos of the hometown online that you can use.

You can find my Home Sweet Home Word Art Set, also in the store:

Here is a Quick Page that you might find helpful for this theme as well.

It is also available in 8"X10".
As always, if there is any specific word art you need for your pages, please let me know.
When your Layouts are done, please post them in the Life Book Gallery for Week #9: Hometown.
Please try to come back here and post a link to your layout when it's in the gallery so we don't miss it.
If you need directions for posting links, please see my tutorial here.
One winner will be randomly chosen from the gallery next Monday, just before the chat. Please try to have your layouts posted by about 8:45 pm (ET). Layouts using at least 50% Heritage Scrap products will be eligible for the drawing. Layouts using at least 50% of my products will be eligible for a posting bonus.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything about this Section of your Life Book, please post here in this thread.
Thanks! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Life Book (TM) Content Copyright Vicki Pasterik - Victorian Rose Designs 2010