First off, let me apologize for the sad, neglected state this blog has been in. At the end of February, we discovered (much to our surprise) that we were expecting #8. My joy was soon mingled with misery as I experienced the worst morning sickness I have ever known in my life! (And yes, I've done this many times before!) It wasn't until just recently, as I settled into my 2nd trimester, that I could get through the day without being "sick" or falling asleep wherever I happened to be at the time!
I am now 16 weeks along, our homeschool year has ended, and I am back from enjoying a most refreshing week on Prince Edward Island. Now that I am rejuvinated and feeling much better than I have in a long time, I can safely say... I am BACK!
My head is spinning with ideas, and I have begun work on a new series called "Favorite Pastimes". The first in this series has just been completed and is in the store at Heritage Scrap (Click on preview below to go to the store to see additional views). I also have some kits in mind inspired by my trip to the island, so watch for more details on those coming soon.
GONE FISHINGIf you, or someone in your family enjoys fishing, or if you have any old photos of those w

ho have gone before you holding up their prize catch, this kit is for you!
In tones of greens, blues and browns that evoke memories of that favorite fishing hole, this kit has vintage elements, cardboard frames, lures, silver charms and beautiful papers to help you scrap those "fish tales".
I have scrapped
a page using this kit that documents the fishing history of my Dad and Uncle. We are fortunate to have a pond on our farm stocked with bass, and a couple years ago, my Dad and Uncle were here for Memorial Day and we all went to the pond to try our luck. It was so exciting for me to watch my kids getting pointers from the "old pros". I learned that day that it doesn't
really matter if you catch a fish or not. It's more about the experience, and spending time with those you love.
ELIZABETH ANNEAnother new kit

I have in the store is my Elizabeth Anne kit - named for my second daughter. As I designed the kit, I consulted her about what things she would like to see included. She suggested a rose wreath, pretty frames, flowers, and lots of ribbons and bows and lace. Oh, and of course, a butterfly! She had to have a fairy paper, and other "papers that look like wallpaper". The resulting kit was just what she wanted...
It is currently on sale in the Heritage Scrap Shop for just $2.99. Click on the kit preview to go to the store to see additional previews.
My other daughters are planning their kits, so stay tuned for Victoria, Emily Grace and Abigail Rose. ;)
As always, if you have any ideas for kits and/or word art that you would find useful on your pages, please let me know!